All trademarks, logos and brand names seen on this website are the property of their respective owners and
are meant for identification purposes only and does not imply endorsement.
Get the App for Mobile Devices.
With QRistix
Drive Customer & Revenue Growth
Adopt Best Practices & Improve Business Outcomes
Digitize your Service Operations and Succeed.
Simplify & Streamline your Field Service Operations with.
Equipment Tracking | Customer Management | Contract Management | Consumables
Fulfillment | Preventive Maintenance | Service Management.

Connected Field Force
Manage your
Team in Realtime.
Go Mobile - Go Paperless.
Assign jobs to field technicians on the fly, Track the
progress on tickets in realtime, Get customer signatures & satisfaction ratings on
the spot, Capture & tag pictures to tickets, Track location & time, Keep working
without the Internet

Customer Self Service App
Enhance Customer Experience
Ensure Customer Service Transparency and Improve Communication. The QRisTix customer App that is initiated by scanning the QRCode label affixed on the equipment gives your customers the ability to raise support requests, order supplies & consumables, and view the service history of the equipment.

that help!
Scheduling & Dispatching
Schedule and dispatch board helps you quickly assign tickets to your technicians. You can also automate the assignment based on rules to ensure that the right technician, based on skills and location reaches the right job site. Track and optimise the allocation of jobs to your field team and utilize your technicians & resources better and increase productivity.
Customer Management
Quickly create, update and manage your customer's records. Access their Ticket/Job history, manage their Assets, Documents, Service Records, Contacts, Contracts, Quotes, Locations, Notes, PM Schedules and more! This helps you can gain insight into what is happening with your customers and streamline communication with them or your team.
Contract Management
Never forget another contract renewal. Get alerts & know when contracts / service agreements are due for renewal.Manage your preventative maintenance and service level agreements better. Manage a variety of service contracts and grow the revenue of your business on the back of an accurate service contract system and deliver better service while preventing revenue seepage.
Field Technician Mobile App
Manage your field workforce with ease, increase service revenue, and lower your costs by giving your technicians a mobile solution. There's no need for your field team to call the office to ask for customer & job / ticket information. The QRisTix mobile app empowers your field team to recieve jobs / tickets data directly on the mobile app and automatically update the status along with pictures, details of parts replaced, customer signature etc.
Dashboard & Reports
QRisTix's interactive dashboard shows statistical charts and key performance indicators to ensure you know what is happening in your business in realtime. Gain insights into the overall status of the business like number of customers onboard, equipments being handled, status of contracts & jobs, top revenue generators etc. Monitor new business sales and cashflows & keep track of team performance and the revenue.
Inspection & Task Checklists
With the easy to follow checklists, keep your technician’s workflow consistent with respect to inspections, compliance, site surveys and maintenance procedures. Tag checklists to specific equipment, jobs or customers. Capture required information with components such as text fields, image and signature capture, dropdown lists, tabs, yes / no toggles and much more and go completely paperless.
High on Value, Low on Price.
For businesses in all stages of growth!
- Manage Equipments
- Manage Customers
- Manage Ticket Life-Cycle
- 3 Users
- 30 Equipments
- 50 Tickets/Month
- Manage Equipments & Customers
- QR Codes for Equipments
- Scan QR Code to register Ticket (Customer App)
- Contract Management
- Support for - Breakdown/Supplies/PM Tickets
- Support for Org Hierarchy
- 9 Users
- 150 Equipments
- 3000 Tickets/Month
- Everthing in "Professional" plus
- Quotes & Estimates
- Geo-Location of Equipments & Technicians
- Forms & Checklists
- 30 Users
- 500 Equipments
- Unlimited Tickets
- Manage Equipments
- Manage Customers
- Manage Ticket Life-Cycle
- 3 Users
- 30 Equipments
- 50 Tickets/Month
- Manage Equipments & Customers
- QR Codes for Equipments
- Scan QR Code to register Ticket (Customer App)
- Contract Management
- Support for - Breakdown/Supplies/PM Tickets
- Support for Org Hierarchy
- 9 Users
- 150 Equipments
- 3000 Tickets/Month
- Everthing in Professional
- Quotes & Estimates
- Geo-Location of Equipments & Technicians
- Forms & Checklists
- 30 Users
- 500 Equipments
- Unlimited Tickets
Why Choose QRisTix?
QRisTix frees you from the burden of investing on & maintaining expensive hardware,
reduce overheads and dependence on dedicated IT resources.
QRisTix is built on the latest standards and technologies to ensure high
availability, fault tolerance, integrity of data and software and security.
QRisTix has inbuilt disaster recovery capabilities and takes regular data back-ups
to ensure that your data is always accessible, safe and secure.